Nouvelle publication de l’équipe Biologie des télomères
Telomere shortening ultimately causes replicative senescence.
Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire des Eucaryotes
Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Eukaryotes
Telomere shortening ultimately causes replicative senescence.
La Collection de minéraux de Sorbonne Université regroupe l’une des plus anciennes collections de minéraux de France.
Outer mitochondrial membrane fusion, a vital cellular process, is mediated by mitofusins. However, the underlying molecular mechanism remains elusive.
Mitofusins are large GTPases that trigger fusion of mitochondrial outer membranes. Similarly to the human mitofusin Mfn2, which also tethers mitochondria to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the yeast mitofusin Fzo1 stimulates contacts between Peroxisomes and Mitochondria when overexpressed.
Identification of Cellular Protein Targets of a Half-Sandwich Iridium (III) Complex Reveals Its Dual Mechanism of Action via Both Electrophilic and Oxidative Stresses Robin Ramos , Anthi Karaiskou, Candice Botuha, Sadek Amhaz, Michaël Trichet, Florent Dingli, Jérémy Forté, France Lam, Read more
Individual cell fate and population dynamics revealed by a mathematical model linking telomere length and replicative senescence A. Rat, M. Doumic, M. T. Teixeira and Z. Xu. Progressive shortening of telomeres ultimately causes replicative senescence and is linked with aging Read more
« Hog1 acts in a Mec1-independent manner to counteract oxidative stress following telomerase inactivation » Bechara Zeinoun, Maria Teresa Teixeira and Aurélia Barascu Replicative senescence is triggered when telomeres reach critically short length and activate permanent DNA damage checkpoint-dependent cell cycle arrest. Read more
« Replicative senescence-associated oxidative stress and Hog1 activation in telomerase negative Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells » dirigée par Dr Teresa Teixeira et Dr Aurélia Barascu
La soutenance aura lieu le vendredi 8 décembre à 14h dans dans la bibliothèque Edmond de Rothschild de l’IBPC.
Exploring the regulation and function of
telomeric non-coding RNA TERRA in budding yeast
À l’occasion de la Journée Internationale pour l’élimination de la violence à l’égard des femmes, Le laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire des Eucaryotes et Sorbonne Université s’associent à l’« Orange Day » d’ONU Femmes du 22 au 29 novembre 2023.