New publication of the team Telomere Biology

Individual cell fate and population dynamics revealed by a mathematical model linking telomere length and replicative senescence A. Rat, M. Doumic, M. T. Teixeira and Z. Xu. Progressive shortening of telomeres ultimately causes replicative senescence and is linked with aging Read more

New publication of the team Telomere Biology

« Hog1 acts in a Mec1-independent manner to counteract oxidative stress following telomerase inactivation » Bechara Zeinoun, Maria Teresa Teixeira and Aurélia Barascu Replicative senescence is triggered when telomeres reach critically short length and activate permanent DNA damage checkpoint-dependent cell cycle arrest. Read more

Bechara Zeinoun – PhD defense

“Replicative senescence-associated oxidative stress and Hog1 activation in telomerase negative Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells” directed by Dr Teresa Teixeira and Dr Aurélia Barascu.

The defense will be held at the Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology (IBPC) on December 8 at 2 p.m., at 13 rue Pierre et Marie Curie at the Edmond de Rothschild library.